Contents. №1 (70) 2015.
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Article name
1. Information page
Far East of Russia: new approaches and instruments of public administration
2. N.M. Baykov
V.N. Shiyan
E.L. Motrich
Our discussion platform. How to live and manage in the Far East of Russia?
3. Efremenko V.F. Economic growth and the problems of social and demographic reproduction in the Far East of Russia
4. Dudina U.V. Methodological basis of the comprehensive assessment program for the conservation of the Amur tiger on the example of the Khabarovsk territory
Theory and practice of administration
5. Putivets G.E.
Lobanova Z.I.
Belinskaya G.P.
Theoretical aspects of state regulation of the economic information market
6. Chepurov P.C. System approach to an assessment of the steady, balanced development of a forest complex of the region
7. Rezanov K.V. Coherence and strategic sinergizm as the basis of complex formations: qualitative analysis of clustering
8. Golub L.A. Capital guarantee and a salary: interrelation and interdependence.
9. Tsvetova G.V. Open budget in the management system of public finance
10. Drobnitsa A.V.
Illinykh G.S.
Personal Retirement Accounts as Additional Money Resource for University Employees after the Retirement Age: USA Experience
History and the present
11. Bondarenko E.Y. Management of the foreign prisoners of war in the Far East of Russia during the First World War
12. Ermolin M.A. Soviet elite and the Post-Soviet elite groups: transformation problem
13. Guzman E.V. Development of the system of governing bodies of the Jewish autonomous region in the 30-50th of the XX century
Sociology, philosophy, culturology
14. Ivanov A.A. Atheism, history and ‘autonomous subject’ in the consciousness of russian 'westernizers’
15. Sudakov S.S. Participatory model of democracy of Sheldon Volin in the formation of American exclusiveness
16. Pershina E.Y. National culture and foreign languages
17. Sinitsyna L.V.
Gaponova G.Y.
Estimation of social and psychological aspect when organizing work with the heads of municipalities, chairmen of the representative bodies, specialists of local bodies of self-government, heads of enterprises and organizations included in the management personnel reserve of the Amur region (sociological approach)
18. Zakharkin R.A. Secondary socialization as the instrument of the social space structuring
19. Knyazev А.Р. Bases of public control in the russian federation: preliminary evaluation of the new law
20. Guydya E.K. The category of civil liability in science of civil rights
21. Trubchik I.S.
Kim E.P.
Kiselyov E.A.
Some aspects of the investigation of theft of another's property committed by the minors (on example of the Far-Eastern Federal district)
22. Filippov V.V. Nepotism in the USA state service: Counteraction to corruption
23. Gelyus T.F.
Kryuchkova V. F.
Osipova T.V.
Problems arising by the investigation of crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services and the way of their solution
Post-Graduate Research
24. E.G.Ksenofontov Scenario approach to the management of the airline’s brand
25. Ilyina A.V. Resources of civilization – definition and typology
26. Grigor’eva V.V. Comparative and legal analysis of the production of pre-trial investigation in the criminal procedure code of Ukraine and the preliminary investigation under the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation
27. V.N.Skorik Criminalistics characteristic as information model in the investigation of illegal crossing of the frontier of the Russian Federation in the check points

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