CONTENTS № 2 (107) 2024 Г.

№ п/п
Article name
The Far East: strategies and development models
1 Izotov D. A. Economic growth of an open regional system: the Russian Far East and the Khabarovsk Territory
2 Bardal A. B. State Support of Transport Development at the Present Stage: Impact on the Transport Complex of the Far East
3 Gritsko M. A. Demographic dynamics of the Far East and its components: results of 2014–2023
Theory and practice of economics and management
4 Raevskiy S. V. Regional system of support for small businesses in the Primorsky Territory
5 Aleshkov A. V.
Sinyukov V. A.
Ivashkin M. V.
Artificial intelligence in the real sector of economy (on the example of the food industry)
6 Salogub A. M.
Arselgova M. A.
Environmental responsibility in the context of the effectiveness of social management in the scientific institution
7 Mikhailova A. V. Key determinants of the kreatosphere ecosystem for the arctics of Russia
8 Tolmacheva I. A.
Oshlakova Z. V.
Mironenko E. V.
On the issue of environmental awareness of the population of the Khabarovsk Territory
9 Cherevko M. A. Changing the image of the teaching profession in the context of modern education transformation
10 Basova S. N.
Sidorova N. P.
Toropova T. A.
Shestopalko A. P
The image of the leading cultural institution of the Far East in sociological assessments
Post-Graduate Research
11 Paliyuk K. I. The activity of the TAD of the Khabarovsk Territory in 2015–2021
12 Speka K. I. Additional education for children: the state and trends in the regional dimension

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