The legal basis of ensuring printing ethics of our journal is made by the international standards: the provisions adopted at the 2nd World conference on the questions of observance of integrity of the scientific researches (Singapore, on July 22-24, 2010); the provisions developed by the Committee on ethics of the scientific publications (The Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE) and the standards of chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

Editorial council of the scientific journal "The Power and administration in the East of Russia" guarantees the observance:
• ethics of the edition of the scientific articles;
• ethics of the authorship of the scientific publications;
• ethics of the reviewing;
• ethics of the editing of the scientific publications.


Editorial council of the scientific journal "The Power and administration in the East of Russia":

1) guarantees the consideration of all materials presented to the publication, the observance of editorial independence and an integrity in adoption of the objective decisions without prejudice against the authors proceeding from the national or religious identity, official position; irrespective of commercial interests and the relations with the Founder of the journal; basing the policy on the respect of the personal rights of the author and the right for intellectual property;

2) carries out the policy of the journal on providing and improvement of the quality of published materials, giving an essential contribution into the development of domestic and foreign science (field of knowledge); takes measures for the activity development for improvement of the quality of published material; seeks to satisfy the needs of the readers and authors;

3) as the leading principles of editorial activity it makes the relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of a published research material;

4) to the number of the basic principles of high qualification of the published research materials takes:
- validity: published results of the research have to be executed qualitatively and carefully according to the ethical and legal standards; the authors bear collective responsibility for the work and contents of the publication;
- honesty: the authors have to represent the results honestly, without fabrication, falsification or an unfair manipulation data;
- suspension: the results of new research have to be presented in a context of the results of previous researches;
- originality: the authors guarantee that the work offered to the publication is original and wasn't earlier published anywhere in any language; the work can't be sent at the same time to some editions;
- transparency: all sources of financing of the researches have to be brought in the publication, including the direct and indirect financial support;

5) carries out the policy on inclusion in the structure of editorial council of the highly skilled members who are actively promoting the development of the journal;

6) carries out the policy on systematic improvement of the institutes of reviewing, editing, an expert assessment of the publications guaranteeing accuracy, completeness, clarity, impartiality and timeliness of an expert assessment and the research reporting;

7) guarantees taking measures to the compliance of published materials, carries out by the means of the corresponding software an inspection of publications regarding manipulation with the pictures, plagiarism, duplicating or excess publication.

8) makes the decision on acceptance or the article rejection to the publication on the basis of all comments of independent reviewers as a whole. The final editorial decision and the reasons of its removal are told to the authors.


Authors of publications:
• have to guarantee that the list of authors included only the persons corresponding to the criteria of the authorship (that is the persons which have made the significant contribution to the work), and that deserving the authorships researchers aren't excluded from the list of authors;
• have to agree to entering them into the list of authors and have to approve the version of work directed on the publication; any changes in the list of authors have to be approved by the all authors, including those who is struck off the list;
• have to know well the work represented to the publication and guarantee that this work conforms to the above requirements;
• have to work together with the editors or publishers for the fastest correction of the works in case of detection in them of mistakes or omissions after the publication;
• are obliged to notify immediately the Editorial council in case of mistake detection in any given them on the publication, accepted for the publication or already published work;
• have no right to copy from the other publications the links to the works which they didn't study; quotes and links to the other works have to be exact and issued according to the qualifying standards;
• have to refer most correctly and precisely to the previous works concerning to the publication both other the researchers, and authors, addressing, first of all to the primary source; literal reproduction of the own works and their rephrasing are unacceptable, they can be used only as a basis for new conclusions;
• it is necessary to specify the authorship of data, the text, drawings and ideas which the author obtained from the other sources to – they shouldn't be represented, as publications belonging to the author; direct quotes from the works of other researchers have to be given with the quotes and corresponding link;
• have to observe standards of the legislation on the protection of copyright.


1. Editorial council guarantees carrying out an independent reviewing of materials by the way, allowing provide honesty and objectivity of the statement of the rather scientific value of the article assumed to the publication.

2. According to the policy of the journal the Editorial council makes the procedure of carrying out reviewing of the materials presented to the publication.

3. Editorial council guarantees the ensuring of the honest and due process of independent reviewing.

4. Editorial council reserves the right to reject the material without carrying out an independent reviewing in case it is considered the low-quality or improper for the readers of the journal. This decision is made honestly and impartially taking into account editorial policy of the journal.

5. Editorial council uses the services of independent reviewers concerning the materials considered for the publication, by the choice of persons who has sufficient experience and not having the conflict of interests.

6. To the independent reviewers it is told, what requirements are imposed to them, and also the information on any changes in editorial policy is given.

7. In case from the reviewers the question concerning reliability of data or the expediency of the publication of scientific work is brought up, the Editorial council gives to the author opportunity to answer the questions posed.

8. By the direction to the reviewing the Editorial council provides the confidentiality of material of the authors and informs on the need of preservation of such confidentiality of the reviewers. The Editorial council tells nobody the material status in the journal, except the authors.

9. The Editorial council keeps confidentiality of the personal data of these reviewers.


1. Editorial council makes the decision on acceptance or rejection of the publications that imposes special requirements to the honesty and objectivity of this process and to its compliance to the scientific vision of the journal.

2. All editorial processes are placed in the information materials for the authors; requirements imposed to the authors, types of published materials, and also the processing of materials is specified by the journal.

3. To ensure the reliability of published data by the amending at the detection of indisputable mistakes in the work, the opportunity in the shortest terms to make the relevant amendments is provided or to correct the typographical errors. The online version of the material improves with the indication of the date of correction and the link to the printed errata. In case the mistake makes the work or its considerable part invalid, the article responds with the indication of the reason (for example, a conscientious mistake).

4. Upon the completion of examination the Editorial council carries out the appropriate measures with the appropriate comment explaining the data got by the results of examination.

5. Editorial council obliges to react to the all statements or suspicions in illegal behavior concerning the conducted research or the publications proceeding from the readers, reviewers or the other editors.

6. The conflicts of interests of the editor and the author have to be disclosed publicly. The editors shouldn't make the decision concerning the materials in connection with which they have the conflict of interests.

© «The Power and Administration in the East of Russia».  Khabarovsk,Muravyev-Amurskiy St.,33, ph.(4212) 30-65-49, fax (4212) 30-47-48
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