Contents. №4 (73) 2015.
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Article name
Information pages: on the materials of the Interregional scientific and practical conference «Problems of counteraction to the economic crimes: regional aspects»
1. E.P. Kim
E.A. Kiselyov
E.Yu. Kazachyok
Counteraction to the economic crimes: regional aspects (on materials of the Interregional scientific and practical conference)
Economic crime became the main brake in implementation of the reforms today it really threatens the safety of society and the state. Therefore the measures undertaken by the state for counteraction of economic crime have to have rigid character. The developing circumstances are that at a variety of external conditions of the committed economic crimes their subject pursues one aim – acquisition of the illegal profit contrary to the interests of the personality, society, state protected by the law. The Interregional scientific and practical conference "Problems of counteraction to economic crimes: regional aspects" was devoted to the specifics of counteraction to economic crimes and their regional aspects, which passed on November 25, 2015 on the basis of the Fifth faculty of professional development (with dislocation in Khabarovsk) of the Institute of professional development of the Federal public state educational institution of the higher education "Academy of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation". Representatives of the investigating authorities of the Investigative committee of the Russian Federation, courts, prosecutor's offices, divisions of the law-enforcement bodies, educational and scientific institutions, the lawyer community of the Far-Eastern region took part in the work of conference. Scientific articles for publication in the collection of the Interregional scientific and practical conference were sent by the representatives of 10 subjects of the Russian Federation.
The Far East: new strategies and development models
2. O.M. Renzin New cross-country configuration in Asia-Pacific as a factor of Russian integration position changes
The article provides a comparative analysis of integration projects in the Asia-Pacific region, put forward in the post-crisis period of the 21 century: "Trans-Pacific Partnership" (USA), "Silk Road Economic belt" (China), "Eurasian Initiative" (South Korea). It evaluates the potential and the attractiveness of the probability of each of the projects in the medium term; the potential scenarios of Russia's participation in the new integration entities are discussed.
3. V.N. Shiyan Social resources of the Russian Far East in its strategic modernization
In the analysis of the opportunities and directions of strategic development of the territorial complexes broad development was received by the resource approach. On its basis the systems of public relations which are formed in the course of interaction of imperious, economic, territorial and geographical, technical, ideological and the other organizational relations are researched. The appeal to the resource approach means a certain methodological level of scientific research for which the lines of systemacity, integrity of the analysis, allocation of specific aspects of determination of the cases in point are characteristic. At the research of social resources the primary attention is paid to the questions of a role and importance of a human factor in the territorial integration processes, and also the activity of people in the development and practical realization of the strategic and tactical targets, meanings of achievement of the end results by them. In practice of development and realization of the strategy of development of the Far-East the resource approach was always used. In the offered article the main conditions and features of its application in the course of modern modernization of social life of the Russian Far East are considered.
4. M.A. Gritsko
O.G. Polivaeva
Potential opportunities and objective restrictions of human potential development (on the example of the subjects of the Far-Eastern region)
In this article characteristics of human capacity of the Russian Far East are considered. On the example of subjects of the Far-Eastern federal district the evaluation of the modern level of development of human potential on the basis of an index of the human development added with the parameters characterizing the natural movement of the population, life expectancy, infantile mortality is carried out. Three groups of subjects depending on the existence of potential opportunities and objective restrictions for formation and development of the competitive human potential are given.
5. V.F. Efremenko
S.M. Bakharev
Innovative infrastructure of the Far East of Russia as a basic element of formation of the regional innovative system
The efficiency of innovative process as the activity directed on implementation of the innovative projects is provided with harmonious interaction of all subsystems of the regional innovative system which connection is provided with the innovative infrastructure. The main goal of the institutes of innovative infrastructure is a creation and development of the startup companies of the early stage of development where the venture capital is required. The evaluation of the organizations of innovative infrastructure of the regions of the Far-Eastern federal district (further – FEFD) is made by the Russian Federation on their ability to grow up and advance the innovative projects. The analysis shows rather fragmentary level of development of infrastructure in the regions of FEFD. At the same time, it is shown that the necessary institutes of innovative infrastructure can be created in rather short time as it is made in the Republic of SAKHA (Yakutia). "Bottlenecks" in work of the regional subsystems that can become the basis for taking measures of practical character by the bodies of public regional government are revealed.
6. Yu.V. Berezutskiy The attitude of young people of the Far East to the working migrants
This article presents some historical features of relationships between the "indigenous" and "alien" population, and also presents the results of the regional sociological researches, allowing characterize prevailing modern attitude of the Far-Eastern youth to the working migrants. The results of sociological researches testify about the state of social tension in the society. A greater degree of intolerance characteristic for the representatives of Chechnya, Dagestan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Willingness to accept higher against the representatives of Viet Nam, Korea. More desirable are the immigrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Theory and practice of administration
7. S.A. Barkov Life cycle of the organization and the national business cultures
8. E.A. Vasilyeva
K.Yu. Stepanovich
A.A. Martynov
Assessment of civil servants: experience of the Republic of Sakha (Yaku-tia)
The article presents the results of comprehensive assessment of professional and personal qualities of the civil servants of the category "leaders", held in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2015. Particular attention is paid to the corpus based content analysis of the essays, drawn up by the officials, using the program UAM CorpusTool 3.0. It was found that the motivation of civil servants depends on the work experience in the executive authority and on the age of the employees. Managers with no experience of public service are careful in the work, they concern about the form and doesn’t pay big attention to the content of activity. Civil servants with experience over 20 years realize and use their powers, know the law and know how to use procedural rules to achieve economic performance, but at the same time they are motivated to obtain personal advantages, that, probably, is a consequence of the high stressogenic of their experience in public service.
9. E.P. Chepurov Management of a sustainable development of the forest complex on the basis of elimination of the system imbalances
In the present article the author on the basis of system approach the concept "discrepancy" in relation to the forest complex as a social eco-economic system reveals. Positions of different authors on a problem of definition of the factors of discrepancy are systematized. In the forest complex these factors are determined as imbalances. Taking into account specifics of functioning of the forest complex, features of the arising social and economic relations and the elements of forest policy, the forest complex is considered in the system of some restrictions determined by the sphere of public administration, techno-sphere, ecosphere, institutional and social spheres. On the basis of it the author's classification of system imbalances which interfere with the normal transition to a sustainable, adaptive development of the forest complex is offered. Also the author emphasized that elimination of discrepancy or imbalances is carried out through the managing influence, and their evaluation is possible on the basis of analysis of the quantitative indices of the degradation processes of economic development of the woods.
10. L.A. Golub Property: dialectics of the rights and duties
In this article the fundamental relations of property are considered. So far in the foreign and domestic literature exclusively such characteristic of these relations as the property rights are analyzed. The corresponding theory is even created. However there was the other practically without reflection, dialectically opposite side of these relations – the owner's duties. In the article the open list of fundamental obligations of the owner and their short theoretical justification is offered. Need of the analysis of a ratio of the rights and duties proceeds because of the not individual, but public nature of economic category of the property.
11. V.F. Efremenko
T.P. Kuznetcova
Evaluation of the level of inventive activity in the regions of the Far East of Russia as the major factor of formation of innovative economy
Social and economic development of the Far East of Russia on an innovative basis as it is provided by the strategy of the state, is possible within the local territorial institutions, having for this purpose the sufficient innovative potential which major characteristic is the level of inventive activity. The comparative analysis of the Far-Eastern regions allows determine by this indicator the priority in creation of the fundamentals of innovative economy.
12. G.M. Vinokurov
T.V. Leus
Profit and profitability in agriculture of the Irkutsk region
The important place in economy of the state is taken by the problems of development of industrial production. Functioning of the enterprises in the conditions of fierce competition demands the creation of such economic mechanism which will meet the requirements of intensification of production and will lead to an increase of investment activity. The problem of rational organization of the production economic activity of the enterprise and profit markup is especially actually. The profit and profitability are the most important factors of successful development of work of the commercial enterprises in the market conditions. The role of cost indexes, an inflation place in the modern statistical values are shown in this article on the example of agriculture of the Irkutsk region, indicators on the structure of profit and profitability for the three-year period are reflected. Information influencing on the profit on different types of production is considered, indicators of a stock of financial durability and profitability are calculated.
13. S.P. Seryakova
N.I. Reshetnikova
Taxation regulations choice by the small business enterprises for optimization of the tax burden
This article is devoted to a problem of use of the simplified system of taxation by the subjects of small business. Relationship of the partner enterprises for payment of the value added tax in the situation when the contractors apply different regulations of taxation is analyzed. The arguments promoting permission of this problem by the legislator are given in the article. On the example of the enterprise the evaluation of competitiveness of "uproshchentsy" on the commodity market (works, services) is given, advantages and shortcomings of a choice of special regulations are considered by the subject, busy with production and realization of the metal construction designs. The calculations given in this article give the grounds to formulate the offers on introduction of the practice of simultaneous use of the simplified system of taxation and payment of the value- added tax that will promote successful development of industrial cooperation. The attention is paid to the technological aspects of transition of small enterprises to the payment of value-added tax the effect from application of the offered model for development of the economy of our country is analyzed.
History and the present
14. Yu.S. Lankina Social and cultural development of the cities in the south of the Amur governor-general in the late XIX – early XX centuries (using innovations in the urban infrastructure as an example)
The article describes changes in the infrastructure of the cities of the south of the Amur governor-general related to the introduction of technological advances in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The activity of the city authorities to address the most acute problems of quality water supply for cities is shown on specific examples. Factors and conditions constraining the introduction of the drain in Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok are thoroughly analyzed. On the basis of archival material main forms of work on switching to electric urban lightning are identified and disclosed. Methods of urban electrification and its impact on the city appearance, consumer culture and economic development are described. The process of implementing means of urban communication, such as postal and telegraph services, is disclosed. A tendency of growth of the need of the citizens in rapid transfer of information that linked the urban space together is described. The article also reflects the development of urban transport. The factors which determined the adoption of such means of transport as bus and tram are revealed, and the reasons hindering their development in the studied cities are pointed out. Conclusions about a qualitative change in urban infrastructure in the analyzed period and its influence on the development of cities as a social and cultural center of the Far Eastern suburbs of imperial Russia are made in the article.
Sociology, philosophy, culturology
15. N.M. Baykov Independent evaluation of the quality of work of social establishments of the region: problems and practice of their solution
16. T.S. Denisova Modern young families of the region: reproductive directions and the motives of behavior
XXI century marked by the manifestation of negative tendencies in the demographic sphere of the Russian society that couldn't but be reflected in reproductive function of a family of XXI century. Special attention is deserved by a young family since one of the major factors of depopulation is the passive reproductive behavior of the young families. The results of monitoring research on the problems of young families of the Khabarovsk territory are presented in this article. Analysis of the reasons and factors influencing reproductive directions and motives of behavior of young families taking into account the regional component is provided. The comprehensive Regional program of development of a family and population policy of the Khabarovsk territory for 2014 – 2020 is analyzed and the additional directions of activization of reproductive behavior of a young family of the Khabarovsk territory are offered.
17. V.V. Chudesov
E.L. Kavshar
Electoral support of political parties on the Russia deputies’ elections to the State Duma (on example of the Primorsk and Khabarovsk territories)
Elections of the deputies to the Russian State Duma of the seventh convocation will held in 2016 in Russia. Different approaches to determination of the essence of democratic elections and electoral campaigns are discussed in this article as well as their role in the development of civil society in the country. The analysis of legislative changes concerning the conditions of functioning of the Institute of political parties and public-legal institution of elections has been done. Different stages in the process of reforming the party and electoral systems are determined. The authors analyzed the main results of the parliamentary elections of 2003, 2007 and 2011 in Russia in general, as well as in the Primorsk and Khabarovsk territories. They examined the regional contributions to the Federal results, a comparative analysis of the electoral activity of these territories, electors’ political parties preferences of considered subjects of the Russian Federation.
18. E.A. Levkova
I.P. Loginov
V.I. Kiselyov
S.Z. Savin
System analysis in the ethnonarcological researches of the Amur Region
Despite certain successes in business of preventive maintenance, early diagnostics and treatment of narcotisms, the problem of distribution of psychoactive substance (PS) remains to one of the major for medicine, criminology, sociology, psychology and economy of the Far-Eastern federal district. Growth of narcological disease, its distribution in the regions of moderate and low risk, preclinical diagnostics and methods of revealing of contingents of risk of a drug addiction staticize the big moral and economic losses connected with treatment and social protection of patients, inevitable direct and indirect losses of productive forces, absence of accessible methods interdisciplinarity researches. Are spent socially-psychological, narcologo-epidemiological, ethnocultural, criminological and medico-genetic researches of features of distribution of chemical dependences in territory of Amur region of Khabarovsk territory. Methods of studying of behavioral reactions of persons inclined to dependent behaviour, medico-genetic methods, psychologo-sociological methods, methodology ethnocultural and transcultural analysis, methods of information modelling with application of new information technology are used psychometric and sociometric. Results of researches will allow to improve structure of the psychological and narcological help to the region population, development of effectual measures of social protection, preventive maintenance and a mental health care of the population of the Amur region.
19. N.B. Lagutkina Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the participants of criminal legal proceedings
In the present article the author considered the features of procedural order of ensuring protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the victim and accused, indemnification in criminal trial, realization of protection of the subjective civil rights by the statement of the civil suit in criminal trial in a special order of adoption of the judgment at the consent of accused with the brought charge. The comparative and legal analysis with the foreign legislation is carried out, the principle of dispositivity in criminal legal proceedings is considered. The author marks out that for the purpose of ensuring the rights of the victim in a special order of adoption of the judgment at the consent of accused with the brought charge, the corresponding legal mechanism is necessary for providing and observance of the rights of citizens in the criminal legal proceedings of Russia. On the basis of the analysis of the available points of view and the criminal procedure legislation on the listed questions the ways of improvement of the criminal procedure legislation are offered.
20. S.A. Averinskaya
Yu.R. GerasimovaT.F.
Structure of identity of the criminal making criminal actions on the railway transport objects
This article is devoted to the questions of criminological analysis of the crime registered on the railway transport objects of Russia and its ratio with the criminal actions made in the territory of service of the East-Siberian linear administration of MIA of Russia on transport. The structure of identity of the criminal is exposed to the analysis, its main lines are marked out, the typology as a certain model, social and psychological portrait possessing peculiar features is considered. Considering that circumstance that the majority of transport crimes are made on the railway transport, this type of crimes is investigated regarding the characteristic of identity of the criminal.
21. T.Yu. Novikova Juvenile policy in the civil legal proceedings
In this article the author investigates the single questions of production on the civil cases with participation of the minor. Possibility of participation of the minor in civil process as the independent person, and also through the lawful representatives is considered. The organization of procedural activity of the court is highlighted from a position of realization of the certain directions of juvenile policy. The author on the basis of the carried-out legal analysis of standards of the Code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation, the Family code of the Russian Federation (further – FC), National strategy of actions in the interests of children and the other documents draws the conclusions about implementation of the separate provisions of juvenile policy within the civil legal proceedings, in particular about a ratio of the category "friendly justice" used in the National strategy with the standards of the Civil and procedural code (further – CPC). Besides, the question of accounting of such provisions in the Concept of the uniform Code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation is raised.
22. N.A. Khridina Role of the institute of the Plenipotentiary for human rights in the modern civil society: regional aspect
In the article the approaches of fundamental ideas of the civil society by the both foreign and domestic philosophers are considered. For a methodological basis the definition of civil society offered by Ya.V. Zubova who considers the civil society "… as pluralistic system which is made by the citizens with certain actions within the special culture" is accepted. Within the specified definition it is possible to consider formation of the civil society through a prism of cultural component as a direct element of the society as a system, in particular legal culture. In this article the existing mechanisms of legal education of the citizens for the purpose of increase of the level of legal culture are considered. In particular, activity of the Plenipotentiary for human rights in the Khabarovsk territory from the point of view of its role in the formation of legal culture of the citizens as one of the most important quality indicators of extent of socialization of the personality, its social and legal adaptation to the order existing in the society is analyzed. The level of legal culture of the population, in general, and its separate groups and layers, in particular, in no small measure determines a condition of the law and the order in the country, further development of democracy and the civil society.
23. N.B. Lagutkina
The concept and the system of investigative actions in the criminal procedure right of Russia
In the present article the authors considered the concept, signs, classification and a system of investigative actions of the criminal procedure right of Russia. The points of view of the scientists and practical workers on the matter are analyzed. It is noted that the legislator doesn't give the exhaustive list of investigative actions, and in the science of criminal trial also there is no concept of investigative action, its signs, the types of investigative actions aren't shown. Despite the different points of view concerning this concept it has an accurate and detailed regulation of their production and registration. On the basis of the carried-out analysis of the available points of view of the scientists and practicians of the criminal procedure legislation the authors offered additions and changes in the criminal procedure legislation for the purpose of uniformity in understanding of the matter.
24. O.R. Averina
D.Yu. Balatskiy
Actual problems of counteracting religious extremism
There is a review of extremism’s definitions by the legal and theological view point in this article. Also, there is an information about the problems of determining the theoretical and methodological foundations of prevention of extremism, problem of qualification’s religious extremism. In the context of the existing regulatory framework issues of the definition of extremism were raised. On the basic of analysis of the conceptual apparatus, the author's approach to the definition of extremism was formulated. The authors reveal the prerequisites of religious extremism and measures for its prevention. There are the other prerequisites of religious extremism described in this article including: contradictory nature of the texts considered sacred ones but they have contradictions since they don’t imagine realities of previous eras; particularities of a religious discourse admitted its religion as a true religion and other ones as false ones; an ethnic and religious self-identification leading to revival of religiosity’s archaic forms and nationalism; an arbitrary and tendentious interpretation of religious texts. In this article we used the materials of copyright religious studies and examinations carried out for the law enforcement bodies of the Far East of Russia.
25. T.A. Yaroslavtseva
A.V. Drobnitsa
Legal regulation of matrimonial relations in Russia: formation and evolution
The article is devoted to the legal bases of a family and marriage. Research of separate aspects of formation and evolution of the state regulation of matrimonial relations in Russia is conducted, stages of evolution of the family law are considered in this article. Research of the evolution of legal regulation of the family relations is actually and deserves close attention as the family is a social institute. Since XVIII century into the competence of public authorities gradually turned the regulation of some questions with which the church dealt before. Among them it is necessary to call the institute of marriage, widowhood, guardianship, creation of laws which regulated the property independence of the spouse. These questions were in the sphere of matrimonial relations which always were conservative; there were disagreements between the right and tradition. It occurred because the traditions are formed in decades, and sometimes and centuries, they can't quickly change and "to be arranged under the law rules. Unlike it the right is formed, develops and improved depending on the political, economic and ideological directions of the state activity. Contradictions between the tradition and the right in the sphere of matrimonial relations had the principle character since this question in the legislation directly mentioned the autonomy of the household and family relations.
Post-Graduate Research
26. T.M. Gritsyuta Trends in the introduction of modern management systems at the enterprises of the Far-Eastern Federal District
Dynamics is shown in this article and the evaluation of tendencies of development of a situation in introduction of modern systems of quality management at the enterprises of the Far-Eastern federal district for territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, for industries during the period from 2000 to 2013 is given. The factors which served as the reasons of decrease in growth rates of works on certification of the enterprises introducing systems of management on the basis of the international standards in the Far East federal district are revealed. The situation for the next some years concerning the enterprises introducing modern systems of management in the Far East federal district is predicted. Benefits and advantages to all interested parties after introduction of modern systems of management on the basis of the ISO international standards of a series 9000, ISO of a series 14000, HASP, OHSAS, etc. during the most severe competition, the increased requirements to production, services, and also to procedures of relationship between partners in business are considered.
27. E.A. Osipova Methodical bases of strategic management of the sustainable development of forestry company based on balanced scorecard
The concept of sustainable development of economic agents is one of the most developing areas of economic researches. Primarily it due to the failure of economic agents on the orientation on economic growth and the extension of the idea of balanced social, ecological and economic development. The article discusses methodical the bases of strategic management of sustainable development of forestry companies. The author proves the necessity of the use of methods of strategic management of sustainable development of the company. As method of strategic management, which most correspond to the principles of sustainable development, author highlights Balanced Scorecard. The article analyzes the factors of influencing the sustainable development of the company, which shall be accounted for when developing a balanced scorecard. The author analyzes of approaches to building a balanced scorecard and propose model of balanced scorecard of forestry company. Also the author offers technique for conducting a comprehensive assessment of sustainable development of forestry company on the basis of the method of analysis of the hierarchy.
28. T.V. Rusova Features of activity of the institute of non-profit organizations in the Khabarovsk Territory
The article is about the results of comparative sociological and statistical researches of the condition and development trends of non-profit organizations in the Khabarovsk Territory in the years 2013 – 2015. The author analyzed the structure and features of activity of the institute of non-profit organizations in the Khabarovsk Territory. As a result of the analysis, we have identified the main problems in the activity and development of NGOs: lack of financial resources for the realization of social projects, lack of staff, informational secrecy of NGOs, the weak interaction between NGOs and with state and municipal bodies

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