№4 (81) 2017.
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Article name
The Far East: new strategies and development models
8-14 E.N. Galichanin On some aspects of the state policy on development of the Far East
Analysis of the main trends and problems creation of the State policy in the Far East of Russia is given in this article. Laws, statistics and opinion of some of the leading scientists, statesman, public men of the country are presented in this article. In the macro-region it isn't possible to solve the main problem creating geopolitical threat so far – outflow of the population. The guarding factor is that among the territorial subjects of the federation at this process there are the regions holding a close border position with the adjacent foreign countries. Along with it, a considerable part as a part of decreasing population is constituted by the working-age persons having high professional training. Low, in comparison with the average Russian, social security of the population is the basic reason of such provision. Measures undertaken from the middle of the 90th didn't lead to essential shifts in a positive side of these processes. Acceptance of the new approaches and measures directed to the solution of this task is necessary. The removal of tariff restrictions in the energy industry and on transport, preparation and adoption of the special Federal law «About Development of the Far East» can become those of measures, according to the author.
Keywords: The Far East, social and economic development, tariff in the energy industry and on transport, outflow of the population, the Pacific Rim, public policy, globalization, national security.
15-22 D.V. Suslov The Russian Far East Integration with the Northeast Asia countries
The trends of integration of the Far East of Russia with the countries of the Northeast Asia (NEA) are shown in the article. For a long time, the main form of integration of the Far-Eastern economy with NEA was the foreign trade. At the same time, the pa-rameters and structure of foreign trade in the Far East are mainly determined by in-teractions with the NEA countries (China, Korea, and Japan). In the medium term, formation of the volume and structure of the Far-Eastern foreign trade will depend on the structure and dynamics of external demand from these countries in improving the overall market situation, as well as the economic situation in the main industries providing the export deliveries, as well as stabilizing and expanding demand for the imported products.
Keywords: integration between the Northeast Asia and Russia; the Russian Far East; China; Korea; Japan; trade.
23-29 V.F. Efremenko
S.M. Bakharev
High-technology manufacturing industry as a factor of population conservation and development in the Russian Far East
The demographic situation observed in the Far East of Russia is directly connected with the possibilities of the economy to provide working places for the employable population. Despite the fact that the adopted and implemented State policy is aimed at consolidating and increasing the population in the macro-region, a steady migration outflow is observed, which is directly related to the strengthening of the raw material trend of the economy and reducing jobs in manufacturing, as well as in the supplying industries and social sectors. Our research shows that the migration outflow of the population has a positive correlation with the continuing decline of jobs in the manu-facturing industries. The Pearson correlation coefficient between these two processes is 0.97, which indicates a high degree of influence of the employment structure change on the migratory behavior of the population. The changes in the basic sectors of the economy should be taken into account for consideration and prediction of de-mographic processes. The positive changes in the demographic situation are possible only due to transition to a qualitatively new model of economic development, based on the new, technologically improved manufacturing activities.
Keywords: migration factors, economy, specialization fields, manufacturing industry, correlation, the Far East of Russia, innovation activities.
30-38 A.V. Drobnitsa
M.N. Skvortsov
Implementation of the state policy on rendering assistance to the voluntary migration of our countrymen, living abroad in the Far East of Russia in 2007 – 2017 (on the example of the Khabarovsk territory)
The article discloses one of the priority directions of the demographic problem solution in the Far East – assistance to the voluntary migration of our countrymen, living abroad to the Russian Federation. Using the Khabarovsk territory as an example, the authors showed the implementation of the regional program of assistance to the voluntary countrymen migration, assessed the state measures to attract migrants, showed some adaptation ways to the specific natural, climatic and socio-economic conditions of the region. The analysis of our countrymen immigration process from abroad into the territory, presented in the article, makes it possible to trace the dynamics of migration, the localization of the incoming population, their employment and the provision of social infrastructure for the period under review and to reveal a number of significant problems facing the implementation of state measures in the designated sphere.
Keywords: demographic problems, shortage of labor resources, social infrastructure, countrymen living abroad, adaptation.
Theory and practice of the management and economy
39-48 S.N. Naiden Expenses of population and budgets: some results of municipal reform
The article analyzes the dynamics of consumer prices and tariffs for housing and communal services, household spending on housing maintenance and payment of utili-ty services, and the costs of consolidated budgets for housing and communal services in the context of implementation of communal reform. Based on the author's approach, estimates of the real contribution of the population and the state to support the housing and communal services in the whole country and in the context of the regions of the Far East are presented.
Keywords: consumer prices, tariffs, housing and communal services, population expenditures, budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Far East.
49-57 O.M. Renzin Financial mechanisms of integration in the APR: new trends
The interrelations between integration processes and the transformation of financial institutions and instruments in the APR are considered. The genesis of financial inter-actions in the APR in the period after the Asian crisis of 1997 is analyzed. The pro-grams for improving the instrumental component of interstate financial cooperation have been singled out. The dynamic reactions and adjustments to the organizational forms of the financial system under the integration trends changing are shown. A spe-cial role of the program of China's enlargement of the Yuan zone is highlighted as a factor in the implementation of new integration projects. The potential options for the financial system development in the APR have been assessed in connection with the implementation of the main medium-term integration scenarios in the region.
Keywords: integration in the Asia-Pacific region; financial mechanisms of integration; expansion of the yuan zone; Institutions and instruments of financial integration
58-63 N.V. Medvedeva The contents and structure of evaluation of the regulating influence
In this article the contents and structure of evaluation of the regulating influence in the comparative aspect of legal regulation of federal and regional levels is consid-ered. The content of evaluation of the regulating influence characterizes it as one of the in-struments of management of regulatory type, it is shown in its purpose and results of application, is determined itself by its internal structure. The content of evaluation of the regulating influence is represented as the sequence of actions for achievement of the goal of evaluation of the regulating influence united in the general logical scheme, possible to differentiation on the evaluation procedure stages. The attention is focused on the marked-out identification signs of the content of assessment of the regulating influence - its subject domain, functions, tasks, principles of the procedure of carrying out. Comparison of the stages of the procedure of evaluating the regulating influence between the levels of public management concretizes a certain variability within the general logical scheme.
Keywords: eevaluation of the regulating influence, content of evaluation of the regulating influence, structure of evaluation of the regulating influence, evaluation procedure of the regulating influence, subject domain of assessment of the regulating influence, extent of the regulating influence, general logical scheme of assessment of the regulating influence.
64-70 A.V. Romanchenko
L.V. Samandina
About implementation of the projects based on the local ini-tiatives of citizens in the territory of the Khabarovsk ter-ritory
The article is devoted to one of the current problems of development of the local gov-ernment – a problem of involvement of population in the solution of questions of the local value within the concrete municipal unit on the basis of realization of the mech-anism of initiative budgeting. The authors have considered the main requirements to applications of the city and rural settlements for participation in implementation of the projects of support of local initiatives, participation of municipal districts of the territory in implementation of the projects of support of local initiatives is analyzed and the qualitative and quantitative results of their realization in the Khabarovsk ter-ritory are presented.
Keywords: participation budgeting initiative budgeting, project, support of local initiatives, competitive selection, involvement of the population, local governments, joint fi-nancing, subsidy of the regional budget.
71-81 T.A. Yaroslavtseva A.V. Yaroslavtsev Concession form of business cooperation of the power and business as the instrument of attraction of investments into the infrastructure of branches of the social sphere of the re-gion and municipal unit: history and present
In the modern conditions before the bodies of the state and municipal authority in the sphere of economic and property relations is a relevant task: attraction of investments into the economy and ensuring effective use of the property which is in the state or municipal ownership on the terms of concession agreements and improvement of the quality of goods, works, services provided to the consumers. For attraction of private business to cooperation to the infrastructure sector of econ-omy it is necessary to create conditions and the fair procedure of competitive selection based on the effective system of criteria for evaluation of the proposals of participants of competitive competitions allowing raise the guarantees of successful implementa-tion of concession agreements, to lower the cumulative public expenses and risks. However the mechanisms of concession cooperation are insufficiently well studied. In the present article separate aspects of the concession agreements allowing minimize the budgetary expenses and at the same time to achieve a result, especially, in the housing and public utilities are considered.
Keywords: concession, concession form of business cooperation, concession agreement, economic and property relations, investments, housing and communal services infrastructure, investment attractiveness, competitive selection, evaluation criteria, efficiency, responsibility, jurisprudence.
82-96 M.A. Bulanova Population policy in the Russian Federation: purposes and their achievement
The population policy of any country is formed depending on that demographic situa-tion which develops in its territory. There are two types of population policy, depend-ing on the instruments of state influence, constraining and stimulating. The character of population policy is determined by the purposes. The main objectives of the popu-lation policy of Russia are reflected in the conceptual documents, such as a concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation till 2020, the Concept of population policy of the Russian Federation till 2025, etc. This article is devoted to the analysis of achievement of purposes which are reflected in the con-ceptual documents of the Russian Federation, and to definition of a possibility of their achievement. The author has made an attempt of analysis of achievement of goals of the population policy. On the example of the Russian Federation possibilities of achievement of purposes are determined, the comparative analysis of demographic indicators of Russia and different countries of the world is carried out. The reasons of non-performance of target indicators are determined.
Keywords: population policy, birth rate, mortality, population, life expectancy at the birth.
97-103 A.I. Medvedev
N.M. Medvedeva
Project mechanisms of formation of the system of reserve pool of municipal service
The article considers and substantiates the conceptual implementation of project methods in the process of staffing of the municipal service, personnel reserve for-mation and development of the quality management personnel in state and municipal sector. Special attention is focused on attracting young professionals to municipal service, analyzed some of the design mechanisms aimed at improving the quality of municipal staff, analyzed the legal framework governing the formation of personnel reserve of municipal and public services, rightly, as the design and use of mechanisms of rotation will enhance the «horizontal» and «vertical» movement of reservists, the levels of municipal management, assessed the creation of a unified database of the personnel reserve of municipal service, that will save not only financial but human resources during the tender procedures.
Keywords: municipal service, personnel provision, project management, staffing of municipal management, human resources, project methods, management of municipal service.
Sociology, politology, histori
104-111 L.A. Krivonosova Orphan hood prevention: regional aspects of sociological analysis
The article discusses the modern theoretical and practical approaches of sociological evaluation and analysis of the social orphan hood, associated with the regional dimen-sions of the tendencies that are particularly active in the recent years. The problem of reducing children-orphans and children left without the parental care, the closing of orphanages, support blood and surrogate families and students are discussed. Pro-posed research activities related to the sociological ensuring prevention of the social orphan hood, provided with the statistical information reflecting the directions and content of prevention of the social orphan hood in the Khabarovsk territory. The model of system for prevention of the social orphan hood is given in three groups of indicators: institutional, technological, discursive and procedural requirements for its use in the research priorities related to prevention of the social orphan hood.
Keywords: ssocial orphan hood, prevention of social orphan hood and family placement of children-orphans, management of a modern family unit, technology of prevention of child abandonment
112-120 E.A. Smirnova
T.S. Korobeinikova
Ya.A. Makarova
Independent assessment of the quality of educational activity of the organizations which are carrying out educational activity: sociological analysis
The article contains the result of the authors’ pilot research. It is independent rating of quality of instructional organization’s educative functions (exampled in municipal district of the Khabarovsk territory – Vanino). The subject to consideration is the theoretical essence of independent rating in the educational sphere and its special social relevance. The article also analysis the standard-legal base, which regulates the relations, joined to the independent educational of quality rating. The focus of the article peaks on the independent educative quality rating and its two directions: independent rating of the quality of student’s preparations and independent rating of the quality of instructional organizations that are execute educational activity. On the whole, the analysis helps to get the representation of independent rating of educational quality. It helps showing up the causes of insufficient contentment of people in order and quality of education in the Vanino district of the Khabarovsk territory and to improve educational quality of the municipal educational organizations.
Keywords: independent rating of educational quality; quality of the state and municipal service; accessibility of service; reputations of educational organizations; lawmaking regulating the autonomy rating of educational quality; rating parameters of educa-tional quality.
121-127 A.V. Shulyaeva Solving the problems in professional education and em-ployment of disabled persons
In this article, the author examines theoretical and practical issues of employment of people with disabilities – disabled. One of the urgent problems for the state authorities is the restoration of the social status and the achievement of the material inde-pendence of disabled persons with an orientation to universally recognized interna-tional standards. Investigating the work and experience of leading scientists in this field, it can be concluded that for a long period of time the problems of vocational education and employment of persons with disabilities have not been given proper attention. At the present stage of development of the society, for the first time, a re-habilitation course is recognized as a priority in the social policy of the state with regard to disabled people, understood as a system of measures aimed at creating the necessary legal conditions and mechanisms for their implementation, including or-ganizational and managerial, that stimulate the employment and employment of disa-bled people. Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace is an interdepartmental task that requires coordination of efforts of all branches and levels of government, business and civil society, including public associations of disabled people. Ensuring the employment of people with disabilities in the open labor market requires a systematic approach.
Keywords: persons with disabilities – disabled, vocational education, employment, un-employment, effective management, labor market.
128-133 N.P. Sidorova The use of drugs as social practice among the young people
The article is devoted to the analysis of a problem of distribution of not medical use of drugs among the young people. Results of monitoring of sociological researches of the Regional government of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation on the Khabarovsk territory and the Far-Eastern institute of professional development of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for 2012, 2013, 2014 have formed a basis of the analysis. The problem of not medical use of drugs is considered as a social process of narcotiza-tion which framework the certain social practices, the most typical for young people of the region are allocated. Such tendencies of change in the social practices of the process of narcotization are allocated: as the main context of consumption of drugs is the joint pastime with friends and familiar with the entertainment purpose; the share of the persons having social contacts with the persons using drugs has increased; smoking of medicines of the hemp growing in the territory of the region remains the main tendency of narcotization; the main motive in the mechanism of the choice of drugs is their easily availability and also the confidence of consumers in an insignificant damage to health from their use (the majority allow a possibility of rather easy disposal of attachment to drugs); among the possible reasons of familiarizing with drugs refer the adverse influence of the environment and an unsuccessful social situation; the curiosity caused, first of all, is the influence of a campaign and desire to leave from the problems, to derive pleasure the main incentive reason for the appeal to drugs.
Keywords: youth, young people, monitoring researches, social process, not medical use of drugs, narcotization, social practices, narcotization, narco-practices.
134-141 V.V. Chudesov Geopolitical context of realization of foreign policy of Rus-sia in the Pacific Rim
In this article some aspects of geopolitical context of realization of foreign policy of Russia in the Asia – Pacific region in the middle of the tenth years of the 21st century are considered. In the article the process of formation of the multipolar world and influence of this phenomenon on the relations between the certain countries is con-sidered. The prospects of influence of global problems of the present and the process of globalization are analyzed, the possibilities of influence of implementation of the concept of sustainable development on the relations between the states of the world community are considered. The author analyzes the new approaches in foreign policy of the state reflected in the editorial office «The Concepts of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation» approved by the decree of the Russian President of November 30, 2016 compares provisions of this document to the contents of the concept approved in 2013. The author pays attention to the natural interrelation between the successful realization of foreign policy in the Pacific Rim and the requirements accelerated socially – economic development of the Far East of Russia.
Keywords:the Pacific Rim, the Northeast Asia, multipolar world, global problems of the present, concept of sustainable development, globalization, the Far East of Russia, concept of foreign policy of Russia.
142-150 O.R. Averina Protestantism in the Far East of Russia: History, present state, problems
This article is devoted to the history and the current state of Protestantism in the Far East of Russia. In 2017 the Protestant community celebrates 500 years since the be-ginning of the Reformation. In the article it is emphasized that the Protestantism in Russia was, on the one hand, religion of a foreign origin, and with another – in Russia in parallel there were religious movements similar to the western Protestantism. Data on the place of Protestantism are provided in a confessional picture of the Far-Eastern federal district, some conclusions of rather religious life in the subjects of FEFD are drawn. Features of Protestant dogma and a cult are stated. Attention is paid to a social position of Protestant churches, moral shape of Protestants, their so-cially important activity. Problems of violation of the rights of citizens for the freedom of worship are given, the ideas express the need of theological education and education of the authorities.
Keywords: religion, Protestantism, freedom of worship.
151-156 А.V. Rybak
P.B. Skripko
K.M. Bondar
V.S. Dunin
Application of the model of system dynamics for assessment of efficiency of the activity of investigative divisions
In this article the main results of work of the group of authors on development of a new criteria for evaluation of efficiency of the activity of investigative divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (further – MIA) of Russia are given. The authors suggest use for this purpose a method of system dynamics at which the dy-namic balance of the elements «crime-resources» systems is used for calculation of the «standard» indicator of the investigated crimes tied to an operational situation and to loading which have developed during the reporting period in the territory of investiga-tive division. Comparison of a real indicator of the investigated crimes and standard allows evaluate objectively efficiency of the investigators work for the reporting period, to avoid dependence on the results of work of the other divisions, to tie assessment to the labor input of crimes and to the load on investigators.
Keywords: assessment of activity of the territorial authorities, mathematical modeling, method of system dynamics, dynamic balance of the elements of system «crime-resources», «standard» indicators of the investigated crimes, optimum loading, «capacity», statistics.
157-161 N.M. Medvedeva
T.I. Chulikova
Improvement of legal bases and the law-enforcement prac-tice in the sphere of anti-corruption
In this article the analysis of the current legislation about anti-corruption is consid-ered. It should be noted that both the federal and regional power have done a great work on development of the administrative and legal measures in the sphere of anti-corruption of the public civil servants. However this work on realization of the effective mechanism on fight against corruption needs to be continued systematically, thereby providing the constitutional principle of equality of all before the law and the court. For effective anti-corruption in the system of public service of the Russian Federation it is necessary to use all set of legal means. However the central place in the anti-corruption mechanism in the system of state and municipal services of the Russian Federation as it is represented has to be allocated to the administrative and legal means.
Keywords: corruption, public and municipal authorities, public servant, rotation, anti-corruption instructions.
162-169 D.Yu. Balatskiy Measures to prevent the youth extremism
The article is devoted to the consideration of preventive measures to prevent the youth extremism. With the help of legal analysis, a detailed study of the causal complex and conditions that form the extremist moods among the young generation has been carried out. Within the framework of the research, cultural and educational and socioeconomic causes of youth extremism are defined, and measures aimed at preventing youth extremism are defined. On the example of Khabarovsk territory it is proposed to introduce state monitoring of social tension in the subject of the Russian Federation. The author's definition of psychological and pedagogical expertise is suggested, the necessity of carrying out a complex examination of the main educational programs for determining the factors influencing the formation of tolerant behavior among the representatives of different religions, nations, nationalities and ethnoses is grounded in them.
Keywords: extremism, extremist sentiments, causes of extremism, psychological and pedagogical expertise.
170-176 I.V. Kernadzhuk
E.A. Kulesh
N.V. Samoylyuk
To a question of purposes of the criminal executive legisla-tion of the Russian Federation
An object of research in the present article is the standards of criminal and executive law, regulating the purposes of criminal penalties and the criminal and executive right. The points of view of different authors on the legal nature of the purposes of punishments and their execution are investigated. The problem connected with the contradictions of activity of the bodies executing criminal penalties and the purposes enshrined in the criminal and executive and criminal legislation are exposed to anal-ysis. The authors consider the question from the point of view of legislative fixing of the purposes of punishments and their legal nature at realization by the subjects of management. В основе исследования лежит методы сравнения и анализа норм действующего российского законодательства, выявления пробелов в данном направлении, а также определения направлений совершенствования отдельных правовых норм в рассматриваемом контексте. As a basis of research are the methods of comparison and the analysis of standards of the existing Russian legisla-tion, identification of gaps in this direction and also definitions of the directions of improvement of separate precepts of law in the considered context. The main conclu-sions of the conducted research are suggestions for improvement of the norms of criminal legislation, regulating the purposes at appointment and execution of pun-ishments.
Keywords: purposes of criminal law; purposes of the criminal and executive right; restoration of social justice; prevention of crimes; prevention of offenses; correction of convicts; general and special prevention.
177-181 S.V. Zamaleeva About the problem of determination of the legal status of medical worker
In this article, the subject of iatrogenic crimes is analyzed. Criminal legislation does not allocate a medical worker as a special subject of crime, which causes difficulties in the qualification of iatrogenic crimes. The author of the article explores the notion of a medical worker, the essence of medical activity, persons who have the right to carry out medical activities, documents that determine the status of a medical worker, the limits of the professional competence of medical personnel, and concludes that persons assigned the legal status of a medical worker doctors, middle and junior medical personnel, midwives, pharmacists, their assistants, students of higher and secondary medical educational institutions who work in state, municipal, private health systems. At the same time, these persons should be given the duty to directly provide the appropriate type of medical assistance. The absence of such an obligation excludes criminal liability. The main criteria for a person who has the legal status of a medical worker are: 1) the availability of medical or other education in the Russian Federation in accordance with federal state educational standards; 2) the availability of a certificate of a specialist; 3) availability of a license for a selected type of medical activity. Persons engaged in traditional medicine (healing) do not have the legal status of a medical worker, this is a separate category of persons whose illegal activities require clear legislative regulation.
Keywords: iatrogenic crimes, legal status, medical activities, medical worker.
182-187 A.S. Kamko Problems and perspectives of the system for countering fraud using telecommunications and computer equipment
The article describes the problems of formation and maintenance of interdepartmental structural links in the sphere of counteracting fraud using telecommunication and computer equipment. Revealing the main problems of the formation of structural links between law enforcement agencies and representatives of the business community, the author suggests using the domestic experience of interaction between executive authorities and commercial structures to resolve the above problems. The author also determines the main principles, goals and tasks of practical cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs, financial sector enterprises and telecom operators. In ad-dition, the article takes into account the existing domestic practice on the issues of information interaction of enterprises of the commercial sector with law enforcement agencies and public security structures, which, to some extent, ignores the failure of communication operators to interact with law enforcement agencies within the frame-work of the proposed system.causes of victimization of certain groups of citizens are formulated. So, for a certain age category, this can be a banal ignorance about some aspects of cashless transactions, and for another - an excessively high level of trust, rendered to the strangers who called them. Based on statistical data and analytical conclusions, the subsequent development of the most effective victimization prevention methods for each of the selected groups is possible.
Keywords: fraud, counter fraud, the interaction of law enforcement and business, security, crime prevention, social responsibility of business.
188-194 E.Yu. Kazachek The questions of organization of person identification of a large number of dead at the accidents and techno-genic catastrophes
Identification of a corpse, despite the extremely complex organization of this investi-gative action both with the tactical, and with psychological points of view is one of the most effective and widespread remedies of identification of a large number of dead at the accidents and techno-genic catastrophes. It is connected with a number of problems caused by the whole complex of factors: serious high-quality changes of morphological features of a body as a result of modification and destruction, stressful state identifying in connection with the loss of the loved one by them, etc. In this regard the author of article has made an attempt not only to show the influence of noted factors on tactics of presentation of corpses for identification, but also to offer some recommendations which as we believe, can increase its effectiveness, objectivity and reliability.
Keywords: the investigator, identification of a corpse, criminal case, presentation of a corpse for identification, identification of the personality, organizational actions for identification of a corpse, identification problem.
195-199 V.V. Kudryashova
M.A. Elkin
Legal basis for classification of the cultural heritage sites
This research paper performs a profound rather-legal analysis of legal status of the cultural heritage sites in the Russian Federation and Germany. Bodies of the state power of a subject of the Russian Federation and it's subject's functions were explored. The existing classification of cultural objects on the federal, regional and municipal levels was also explored. The conclusion of «the objects of cultural heritage» legal nature and special legal status for the other cultural objects development need was drawn.
Keywords: the objects of cultural heritage, historical and cultural monuments, classification of cultural heritage objects.
200-208 V.D. Ivanchenko The Far-Eastern forest complex: assessment and problems of legal regulation of counteraction to the illegal logging and turnover of the wood
This article is devoted to the study of legal norms providing the responsibility for acquisition, storage, transportation, processing of timber for marketing purposes, as-sessing the potential of forest resources, including the forest fund, timber stocks, the level of their losses due to the natural factors and factors of a criminal nature. The main directions of criminal interests of organized crime in the territories of the country with the high forest resources potential are the illegal turnover of timber, which is caused by the shortcomings of current legal regulation in the sphere of forest management, uncertainty of the mechanism of state policy in the sphere of combating illegal circulation of timber, detection of illegal timber trafficking and rules for investigating the acquisition, storage, transportation, processing of wood in order to the market knowingly illegally harvested wood.
Keywords: timber industry complex, legal conditions and assessment of illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, processing of timber for marketing in the Far East, legal norms and factors.
209-215 A.B. Litovko Improvement of the mechanism of identification and resolu-tion of conflict of interests in the public and municipal ser-vice of Russia
The problem of prevention and suppression of violations of anti-corruption duties, the bans, restrictions of the rights, violations of the rules of office behavior in the public (municipal) service is one of the sharpest for already several years. Parliamentary hearings, government meetings, departmental and interdepartmental meetings, scien-tific forums and conferences and numerous scientific researches are devoted to legislative and practical questions of preventive impact on the reasons and conditions which promote emergence of the specified violations in the public (municipal) service. In this article the analysis of the current legislation about anti-corruption is considered, necessary improvement of activities for identification of the conflict of interests, a number of the legislative measures increasing efficiency of practical activities on identification and resolution of conflict of interests needs improvement an order of granting by the public servants and persons arriving on public service, data on income, property and obligations of property character.
Keywords: corruption, conflict of interests, public and municipal authorities, public servant, anti-corruption monitoring.
Ecological policy
216-222 V.V. Val'kovskaya Dialectics of social ideals and ecological values
In this article one of the most important problems of development of a civilization is considered: dynamics of public ideals at the present stage of development noted by aggravation of environmental problems, deterioration in a condition of natural envi-ronment. The author conducts a research with a support on such basic developments of scientific cross-disciplinary knowledge as a dialectic solution of the problem of a ratio biological and social in the person, dialectics natural and artificial in the envi-ronment, dialectics class and universal in the public consciousness, influence of cor-porality of the person on transformation of moral consciousness, dynamic of public ideal, genesis and evolution of ecological consciousness as a consciousness of civili-zation. The research is conducted from the positions of rational materialistic philos-ophy. The role of ethical disciplines of «a new wave» is emphasized: ecological, envi-ronmental ethics, deep ecology, ethics of awe of life in the course of the world outlook reorientation of public consciousness necessary for transition with the antropo-centrist to the eco-centrist positions. The called transition is positioned as a necessary condition of survival of a planetary civilization.
Keywords: sustainable development, public ideal, ecological crisis, humanity, ecological consciousness, consciousness of a civilization.
223-229 G.S. Lyubitskaya
I.L. Shevnin
Religious outlook of the Old Believers and their social-and-ecological practices
In this article the social-and-ecological practices of the Old Believers which are formed under the influence of religious outlook and social conditions in the course of their adaptation in the new territories are considered. The Old Belief which has ap-peared in social structure of the Russian society in XV11 century owing to the reli-gious reform represents a social group which confessional accessory determines its sociocultural signs. Isolationism of the Old Believers caused by persecutions from the state has determined their social way which has appeared owing to the created out-look on a religious basis. Fidelity of the church tradition which wasn't allowing laici-sation of life of the personality has provided formation of valuable installations of soul saving and the social service which have determined the ways of activity of people. The religious outlook, communal way of life acted as the major factors forming the social-and-ecological practices of the Old Believers carrying the lines of the nature protection activity.
Keywords: Old Belief, religious outlook, social character of the Old Believers, social-and-ecological practices, guarding environmental management.
230-236 V.N. Aporevich Legal problems of protection of micro-ecological sphere of the medical staff
In the presented work, the author attempts to identify measures to prevent the actions of harmful and hazardous factors on the health of workers and create a healthy micro-ecological sphere for medical personnel. Reviewed work completed on the current topic, which today is quite often studied in the scientific literature. The problem of professional health of medical workers and confirms the idea about the special impact of working conditions on the health of physicians. In this article we present a defini-tion of medical worker, lists the factors that are the causes of occupational diseases among the health care workers. The paper presents the gradation of harmful factors into 5 main groups. The paper identified the most important in the prevention of occu-pational morbidity of medical workers of the events, such as the early diagnosis of diseases. The author attempts to offer the ways of legal solutions to protect the micro-ecological sphere of medical staff.
Keywords: micro-ecological sphere, medical personnel, hazardous and harmful factors, occupational diseases, medical examinations, prevention of occupational diseases, protection of micro-ecological sphere.
237-245 A.A. Serbienko
I.M. Filyanina
About the ways of protection of violated rights previously granted, but not finalized, the land plots of agricultural purpose
In this article the authors have tried to perform in time the legislation previously reg-ulating the allocation of land plots of agricultural purpose in the context of its appli-cation at the present time. The presence of judicial practice allowed analyze analogi-cal situations and methods of permission of legal questions arising up in а case of bringing to conformity of rights on the before given lands of the agricultural setting. Peasant (farmer) economy came forward a research object as a form of economic (by an enterprise) activity in agriculture that is impossible without lands. A problem con-sists in that absence properly processed document, certifying the primordial grant of land, or the presence of already existent rights on the lands frequently induces a de-clarant at first to appeal to the organ of local self-government (or executive branch of state power), and in case of receipt of refuse - to appeal to the court about the protec-tion of the broken rights. Thus a legislator does not limit a term during that official farmer can additionally call to the manager of land with the purpose of the further proper registration of rights. Impossibility of producing of documents serves as found-ing for a refuse in satisfaction of requirements of the government about bringing to conformity of before arising up rights, including, by confession of such rights or by the appeal of actions of managers by the lands.
Keywords: lands, agricultural setting, peasant (farmer) economies, questioning the right, organ of local self-government, court, manager of the lands
Post-Graduate Research
246-252 M.V. Maytama Children's and youth public associations as the formation subjects of a healthy way of life in the sociological dimension
The results of sociological studies of the youth of the Khabarovsk region in 2013 – 2017 are presented in this article. These results reveal the features of adherence of young people to the conduct of a healthy way of living. There are described existing support measures and conditions to the involving of young people in public associa-tions. Analytical materials about the involving of young people and public in the work in the promotion of a healthy way of living are presented.The results allowed to draw a conclusion about the high role of children's and youth public organizations in the formation of a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it has been identified a low level of young people’s involvement in public organizations and in programs and activities which are provided by the state youth policy with regard to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.The results of sociological studies actualize the usefulness of an integrated approach in addressing issues related to the raise of the social activity level among the youth, to the creation of such conditions where public youth organizations and associations whose activities are aimed at popularizing a healthy lifestyle could develop without any barriers.
Keywords: public organizations, the youth, healthy way of living, youth policy, values, con-sciousness.

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