Contents.                   №3 (64) 2013

Article name
Theory and practice of administration
1. A.B. Levintal’,
E.Yu. Russu
About a condition and prospects of development of the health care in the subjects of the Russian Federation: the Far-Eastern dimension
2. M.Yu. Prisyazhnyy The scenario plans of development of the administrative districts of Yakutia.
3. I.S. Кhvan Approaches to the development of methodology for complex social and economic diagnostics of the region.
4. V.G. Shvedov,
L.V. Shevtsova
To a question of the organization of management of the cross-border tourism in the Jewish Autonomous Region.
5. D.V. Fyodorov The assessment, the analysis and the forecasting of efficiency of the companies of the energy sector of Russia on the basis of imitating approach.
6. N.V. Glaz,
Тhe level of income as a factor of food consumption by the population of the southern territories of the Far East.
7. I.A. Anisimov Strategic planning of steady functioning of the local territories as the basis of innovative development.
8. I.A. Khoroshavin Formation of innovative economy of the Sakhalin region.
9. V.K. Rezanov,
A.Yu. Grushina
The study of the conditions for effective use of the wood waste for the heat generation.
History and the present
10. A.F. Volkov,
L.A. Krivonosova
Interaction of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the higher education institutions of the region on preparation of the profile experts: historical aspect
11. N.G. Kulinich The experience of organization of the cultural leisure of workers in the cities of the Soviet Far East in the 1930th.
12. A.V. Samokhin To a question of a time of development of the plan "Inconceivable" and the reaction to it of I.V. Stalin
13. N.V. Shul’gina The place of political literature in an array of published books of the eastern branch of emigration.
14. T.A. Yaroslavtseva Development of the hotel economy in The Far East of Russia (1920 – 1993)
Sociology, philosophy, culturology
15. V.V.
Noosphere thinking and prospects for the development of humanism.
16. L.V. Kashirina,
K.V. Kraeva,
I.K. Verba
Specifics coping behaviours students.
17. N.M. Baykov Public opinion of workers of an education system of the region in the conditions of its reforming.
18. V.I. Yudin Indigenous people of Canada: reconciliation, assimilation and the preservation of cultural uniqueness.
19. I.A. Gareeva Institutional and social transformations of the health service system.
20. N.V. Garkusha,
L.V. Sinitsyna,
N.O. Sveshnikova
The theoretic-methodological foundations of the study of misconduct in the activity of employees of the internal Affairs bodies and the socio-psychological forecast of their appearance
21. Yu.V. Berezutskiy Social appearance of the youth: the dynamics of value orientations
22. S.I. Zamogilny,
Yu.V. Stavropolskiy
Electronic government and the ethno-cultural originality in Japan.
23. N.P. Sidorova,
V.E. Saltykova
Leisure preferences as a factor of the social stratification of the young families.
24. V.Yu. Stadnik Ethnic conflict-prone students of the regional aspect.
25. N.V. Medvedeva The competition of legal norms in regulation of the control and supervisory activity.
26. A.G. Palamarchuk The main directions of the development of municipal formation territories regulated by the norms of urban planning legislation.
27. E.U. Sharaev,
C.U. Simorot
The entitlement of military men to be provided with premises with the total area exceeding the rate of granting accommodation.
28. Yu.Yu. Naumov The younger medical personnel, as special subject of the crime in the sphere of medical activity.
29. N.S. Barey The formation of Russian dactyloscopy.
Post-Graduate Research
30. A.V. Maklyukov Electric power industry of the USSR in the Far East during the Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945).
31. P.P. Antipov Franchising as an effective instrument of improving the entrepreneurial activity in the region (for example, the Khabarovsk Territory).
32. S.A. Pankin The intellectual capital in the system of factors of the competitiveness of the firm.
33. A.N. Scherbakova The features of deinstitutionalization of a social orphan-hood in the activity of the regional governing bodies: sociological aspect.

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